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California Driver's Permit, Drivers Education, Lessons, Tests

11. Driving Under the Influence

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Driving Under the Influence (DUI)

You may not drink any alcoholic beverage while you are behind the wheel

You may not have an opened alcoholic beverage container inside the vehicle which is accessible to you or your passengers (if you or one of your passengers is 21 years of age or older, an opened alcoholic beverage container may be carried in the trunk of your vehicle)

If there is no person in the vehicle who is at least 21 years of age, you are not allowed to have any alcoholic beverage container, opened or not, anywhere in the vehicle, including locked in the trunk, unless you are transporting it in the course of your employment.

Current chemical testing requirements for violators of driving under the influence (DUI)
California Vehicle Code (CVC) 23612, “implied consent for chemical testing,”
requires a blood or breath chemical test when a person is lawfully arrested for DUI
involving drugs or a combination of drugs and alcohol. The urine chemical test is only
permitted under the following conditions:

  • Both blood and breath tests are unavailable.
  • The individual is a hemophiliac.
  • The individual is taking anticoagulant medication.

  • If you are under age 21 there is a zero tolerance policy for drinking and driving. If any measurable level of alcohol (0.01% BAC or greater) is detected in your system, you will lose your license for 1 year if it is your first offense within 7 years. Your license will be revoked for 2 to 3 years if it is your second or subsequent offense in 7 years. You may also be required to go to a DUI program.

    If you do not have a driver license yet, the court will tell DMV to make you wait a year longer before you can apply for a license.

    If you are under the age of 21 and refuse to take a breath or blood test for alcohol or drugs when arrested for suspicion of DUI, your license will be suspended for one year. If your BAC is 0.08% or greater, you may also be convicted of DUI, a criminal offense!

    DUI penalties include:

  • mandatory jail time
  • substantial fines and fees
  • suspension or revocation of your driver license
  • restrictions on when and for what purposes you may drive
  • you being assigned to an alcohol or drug treatment program
  • installation of an ignition interlock device on your car
  • the impoundment of your car

  • A first offender must be jailed for at least 48 hours, can be fined up to $1,000 dollars, be restricted to driving to and from work or to and from an alcohol treatment program, be ordered by the court to attend either a three month or six month alcohol treatment program, be required to file proof of insurance with the Department of Motor Vehicles, and be required to have an ignition interlock device (IID) installed on his or her vehicle.

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    Lesson Summary


    Lesson 11 Quiz

    You will now answer 5 questions to test what you learned during this lesson. You must answer all questions correctly to receive completion credit for this lesson. You may answer the questions as many times as necessary to get them right.

    You should review the lesson material if you don't do well on the quiz.

    1. Alcohol is a:


    2. If you are under 21, the zero tolerance policy for drinking and driving will revoke your license even if your BAC is as low as what percent?


    3. After completing all 11 lessons and then passing the final test, your certificate of completion of driver education will be:


    4. BAC stands for:


    5. Designated Drivers:



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